
Procrastinate TOMORROW

OK...all this information is helpful but what do I do next?

Generally it is much easier to figure out where I am going if I first determine just exactly where I am ! So...I suggest the very first thing to do is to collect all the relevant asset information that is at my disposal.

This may include, and not necessarily be limited to, the following: Assemble important documents... Yes...Paperwork!

* Social Insurance Number * General Insurance Policies
* Recent Income Tax Returns * Mortgage Papers
* My Will * Life Insurance Policies * Real Estate Deeds
* Birth Certificate *Marriage Certificate * Bank Records
* Disability Insurance Policies * Trust Documents
* Notes Receivable or Payable * Fire Arms Permits
* Automobile or Recreation Vehicle Registrations
* Stock Certificates, Bonds or other Investment Certificates
* Separation or Divorce Agreement
* Business Agreements or Contracts *Lease Agreements
* Employment Group Benefits Statements
* Powers of Attorney * Ethical Will * Medical Directive
* Asset Inventory * Funeral Plans

...if there is something I should add to this list...? Drop a note in my mail box...

...and next...

...take a deep breath... procrastinate TOMORROW...

Collect and record the names, addresses and phone numbers of your primary asset Specialists.
* Doctor/s (General Practitioner, Dentist, Specialist, Massage Therapist, Chiropractor)
* Lawyer/s * Accountant/s * Financial Adviser/s
* Insurance ( Life, Disability, Health, Property/s, Vehicles)

Add others that may apply...Veterinary Doctor, Banker, Real Estate Agent or Broker... for example...

Additionally it can be useful to collect and record the names, addresses and phone numbers of your asset maintenance Specialists.
* Plumber * Electrician *Oil Burner Repair
* Electronics Repair * Appliance Repair * Carpenter/s
* Landscaper * Snow Removal Service * Roofing Contractor

It is likely there are numerous other Specialists that you'll think of and will add to this record.

Why would I need this information documented?

There may be many reasons to document this information.

Let's assume that incapacitation or death has occurred.

Consider these situations as examples.

Eric and Sandra have been in an accident and only Sandra survives. Sandra is in a coma and there is considerable doubt about her recovery. Meanwhile Eric's parents move into Sandra's home to look after the three children, the family home and to be close to Sandra while she 'recovers'.

There appears to be no documentation of primary asset Specialists nor their asset Maintenance Specialists.

Eric's parents are caught in a very stressful set of circumstances; a situation they would not wish on their most dire enemies. There are many legal issues that must be considered. Sandra's parents had both passed away years earlier. Eric's parents thought that everything was taken care of: wills, Powers of Attorney, Medical Directives, Guardianship and so much more. They can recall that Eric and Sandra had talked about it. If they did it, where did they secure it ?

The children are too young to be helpful. The two older ones are in pre-school and primary and know something isn't right and are struggling with the apparent stress they are witnessing.

After 5 weeks of wandering around aimlessly they discover a key to a security box. The box is located in a far away community from which the family had moved several months earlier...

This situation has the potential of many troublesome and stressful twists and turns...Perhaps you have a feel for it now.

George and Asia had been living together for many years. George had a son from a previous relationship and Asia had two sons from a previous relationship and one daughter from another.

Asia passed away without a current will. That was
one complication to be dealt with.

George had never been responsible for the day to day running of the home and was at a time in his life where he wasn't confident or capable of learning new tricks. Asia had always paid the bills and dealt with the needs of day to day living. George had worked 'away' in Northern Canada and was only home on a rotating schedule. The family had even relocated from one community to another while he was working.

It sounds like George has more than a few problems. It may be too late to resolve all of them yet there is probably some help out there for him. His expanded family is very helpful and supportive. That might give George a place to start.

Sadly it would seem that the current score is: George ... None
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>...>> Procrastination....Won

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OK...OK...Short Term Pain in exchange for Long Term Gain I an egg?

If I look carefully will I locate my 'best before' date?

Not likely!

So...Where do I start?

I hope this is will be a purely rhetorical question...but just in case,
it might be Smart to *assK...(it's not a typo)

See my Newsletter page for more information.

There are books written on these subjects. There are experts that work specifically in the Specialty fields that affect these aspects of our lives. Individually they can be a great deal of help. Coordinated as a team they can be even more help.

It's useful to access just where you are at. No harm can come from starting or improving your information and processes.

Just do it...procrastinate tomorrow. Check with a friend or trusted associate...get references...perhaps a financial adviser...

Book stores, stationary shops...yes even insurance agents/offices have guides available to record critical information. For that matter...just drop me a note and I'll pick up a copy of one and drop it in the mail for you.

Sometimes we simply have to take the pull by the horns and get pushy....

Oh might have been wondering ... Smart *assK...
This refers to my off site Newsletter...
>>>>>*assK :



>>>>>>>>>..>>..>>>Knowledge Angel's influence...Donkey